Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FuN aT tHe fAiR

We used to go to the fair every year (which really means we went like 2 consecutive years), but we haven't been in awhile (which means we missed last year). So, we (I) decided to reinstate this old family tradition and go to the fair again this year. After all, its always fun to spend obscene amounts of money on rides that may or may not deliver you back to the ground safely, and eat food that you won't be able to forget because you will see it everyday afterwords deposited on your new larger butt. Well worth it. We all know that the real reason to go to the fair is to people watch. For example, Nicole got her seat next to Jonny stolen by a one legged old woman wearing short shorts. Here are some pics of the boys enjoying the few rides that we were able to afford.

Here is Drake looking longingly at the merry-go-round that we did not have enough tickets for him to ride.
Here are the dad's looking thrilled to have their hard-earned money wasted on filthy frivolities (note that Jonny was not in this picture because he was wasting his money riding the filthy and frivolous merry-go-round).
Here are the boys in the 4H barn petting small dirty animals. See the animal in the bottom right corner? Bunny? No, guess again. If you guessed baby jackass then you would be correct and a smart creature of the same name.
Good times.