Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Hot Losers

On Thursday the 9th Team ThunderCats played our first game. We played against a team called Oyster Barn, and if your immediate thoughts run to gelatinous slugs that have little to no skills at all let alone softball skills then you would be accurately picturing this team. So imagine our surprise when we lost to them 4-7. We were all very nervous, so our skills were slightly impaired, but that really is a lame excuse for losing to this team. Balls were dropped, missed, and fumbled. Throws were wild, inaccurate, and short. Our batting was pitiful to say the least. However, in the last inning we started to get better. The score had been 1-7 until our last time up to bat. Still, we weren't good enough. Well, at least this week we will be rightfully slaughtered. We are playing the Switchbacks and they actually do have some serious skills. Come out to witness our demise for yourself Thursday at 7:30 at Bethesda Park, field #10. At least we look good, right?


Ryan and Brindi said...

you called it! we look smokin'!

Danielle Strong said...

hey thundercats, how did you do this week?

The Fox Family said...

Can't wait for our double header this week. Maybe we can pull out a "W" for at least one of the two games. Great picture. I'd like to have a copy or email it to me if ya think about it.

Heather Alvarez said...

HA! I remember the time Nicole asked me and Byron to play, oh wait that was for this season... trust and believe you would have been much bigger losers :) for sure hot though!