Monday, August 24, 2009

White Water, Camping, Modeling

Back on August 7th we dropped our kids off with some sitters and Justin and I went to White Water with some friends. It was the last Friday before school started so it was rather crowded, but we had a good time chatting while waiting in the excruciatingly long lines. Justin and I hadn't been there in at least 10 years and I remember it being a lot bigger and less gross. Either time has taken its toll on White Water, or my eyes are no longer fogged with childish whimsy. Perhaps both are true. Anyway, we went with Nicole and Jonny Wood, Nicole's sister Anna, and Rachel Shumway. The day went by quickly and so did the lining in my swimsuit bottom (for some reason I always burn holes in the butts of my swimsuits when I ride water slides). Anyway, we had a good time.

On August 14th we took Jackson camping with some friends (we left Drake with Grandma Cersey). We went with Brindi Ryan and Aiden, Nicole Jonny and Maggie, and Rachel Thayne and Jones. Now, I am not a big fan of camping. I don't really see the appeal of it, but Justin insists that I need to get used to this kind of thing since we have two boys. So, we packed up an entire SUV worth of camping gear for one night in the woods. We went to some property that Ryan's dad owns on Strom Thurmond lake. We got there around 7:30pm and it got dark faster than Justin and I could get all of our stuff set up. We cooked hot dogs over a camp fire and roasted marshmallows. After we put the kids to bed the adults played some high stakes poker (the winner got dinner at Chick-fil-a) until 3:00am in the community tent. I wasn't able to sleep at all, but the boys slept like rocks as usual. In the morning Justin and some of the others jumped off a dock into the lake a few times. I don't have pictures of that, but Brindi does. If you want you can check them out here.
I started modeling again a couple of months ago to make some extra money. So far I haven't made any money, but I have some cool new pictures. These first shots were taken by Tim Wedig and his wife, Andrea Laxton.
These next shots were taken by Rick Newby. I did 3 different looks with him and we even got the boys in some of the shots!


Ryan and Brindi said...

your modeling pictures look great! don't act like you didn't LOVE camping- i know you secretly do love it!

Candice said...

Those pictures are so good!!!!!!

Rachel said...

your modeling pics are great!!!

skotandchristi said...

Oh camping... one night is tolerable. Last time we went camping I slept on a thin air mattress with a slow leak. Morning brought a back ache. :/ Glad you are working again. I bet it is good to get out of the house.

skotandchristi said...

P.S. - you said you haven't made any money yet... are these pics just to build your portfolio? Also, I just saw the site you did for your dad. Good job! I miss your parents. :( Please tell them I say hi.

The Cersey Family said...

Yes, these pics are for my portfolio and card which up until now I haven't had, so that is a big part of the reason I haven't gotten work. Also, the market for modeling in Atlanta is really hurting like everything else, so there aren't many jobs to be had. Hopefully things will pick up soon, but in the meantime I will try my hand at acting as well, which should prove interesting. Thanks for checking out my dad's site. I'm glad you like it. It would be better if he would give me some decent copy. Oh well, it is what it is. I'll be sure to tell them hello for you.

Heather Alvarez said...

Wow the pictures are awesome... what a pro!

mid said...