Friday, January 8, 2010

First Snow

We had our first snow of the year, but it was weak sauce, not that I'd expect much more in Georgia. Jackson was so excited. He ran outside and immediately tried to make a snow angel. As you can see it didn't work out so well. Then he tried to make snow balls and got a handful of pine straw mixed with a little snow. Needless to say, our fun in the snow was short lived.

Justin has been doing pull-ups a lot lately and the boys wanted to give it a try. They couldn't do any pull-ups, but I am still impressed that my little 18 month old boy can hang on the bar like this.


Nicole, Paul, Ike and Aubs said...

So fun. Your boys are adorable. Hope to talk soon. I'll try you this week.

Sherri said...

Your boys are adorable. Maybe we should meet each other in UT next winter so our boys can all play in snow together.