Monday, May 18, 2009

Confessions of a Bad Mom

Carey, this post's for you!

I am ready to admit that I am a terrible mom. My children have been deprived of my attention because I have been totally consumed with softball, planning summer vacations, and text messaging. Jackson is addicted to T.V. because mommy is too busy to play with him, and though Drake's first birthday is coming up he is nowhere near ready to walk because he sits in his highchair and eats all day. On second thought, maybe I shouldn't be sharing this with the world. I mean I haven't even updated my blog in over a month and my last 2 posts were about softball! My poor babies deserve better. So, I have created a new blog that is just for softball so that this blog can get back to being about my family. You can get updates on the ThunderCats here.

Drake is crawling now and getting into everything. He has also learned some sign language. He can say "more", "all finished", and he is starting to learn "milk" and "sleepy". He can pull to a standing position, but as I mentioned before he is nowhere near close to walking. He falls frequently and has the bumps and bruises to prove it.

Jackson will be turning 3 next week. He is still in diapers which is another testament to my poor mothering. I just have trouble mustering up the patience and commitment to get this kid potty trained. I know, I know I am a sad case, but just you wait and see how bad it sucks when its time to potty train your kid!

Shoot! Justin just got home and I've got to go do stuff before he starts complaining.


Danielle Strong said...

Haha I can totally relate. No you are not a bad mom.

Rachel said...

I love it Kristina! You're far from being a bad mom... The rest of us are doing the same things just pretending we're not! :)

The Fox Family said...

You're so funny. Did you dedicate that entry to me because you want me to confess my mothering sins too? Not a chance. Everyone already knows that Chris's parents are Boston's back up parents when I'm working, parting or playing softball. There's no need to announce it. :) No one's perfect.
But, we all know that you are not a bad mom. I've met your kids. They are awesome. You don't get awesome kids without some awesome parental guidance. Good job.

The Cersey Family said...

Actually Carey I dedicated the post to you because you left a comment on my last post complaining that I hadn't updated my blog for awhile, but if you see a correlation between my post and your parenting then maybe its time for both of us to reevaluate our priorities. Just kidding. I did not intend to implicate you as a bad parent, you rock and so does Boston (Chris is Okay too.)