Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our Friend, Ryan, is 30!

Our friend Ryan just had his 30th birthday party. There was good food and good company, but we decided to add a little more interest to the night. We started out with a friendly game of spoons which quickly escalated to a rowdy free for all brawl. We placed the spoons on the other side of the room so whenever someone got 4 of a kind we would all jump up and dash across the room with no regard for those around us. I accidentally clocked Billy in the nose, Ryan bled on the carpet, Rachel almost broke her face on a table. Oh, good times! Here are some fun pics from our revised game of spoons.

We love our friends and all the fun that we have with them! Happy birthday Ryan!


Ryan and Brindi said...

lol. ryan and i just sat and laughed at your awesome pictures! love rys and jonnys faces! we love u guys too!

Lacey said...

These pictures are so funny! The best was Ryan's tongue in that pic!! I think we need a repeat of this game!